16 déc. 2011 classfull IP unnumbered network router routing protocol Cisco IP unnumbered inside What is IP unnumbered? In Cisco routers, the ip unnumbered <other_interface> command allows you to borrow the IP address of another interface.
03 nov. 2011 FD File Description files lsof process File Descriptor : a simple explanation What is a File Descriptor? Really, how does it work? When you don’t have a clear and global comprehension of the Linux system, it’
03 nov. 2011 disappearing esx interface mac address persistent rules ubuntu udev Copy of VM : interfaces not appearing in Ubuntu Coucou [http://french.about.com/od/vocabulary/g/coucou.htm]everyone! In VMWare ESX (3.0 to 4.1i), you sometimes want to make a
27 oct. 2011 blog free wordpress Hello World! or a WordPress based blog Hello everyone, This is the first post of a casual blog about technical stuff I work on. It’ll probably be mainly Linux and Cisco
26 oct. 2011 Just a new article on how to display the author... …on the WordPress twenty eleven theme. Just quoting this [http://en.forums.wordpress.com/topic/how-to-display-author-name-on-twenty-eleven-theme] : There must be two authors who have both published