25 déc. 2012 Linux Security Resources on the web For the trainees attending the Learning Tree course #433 [http://www.learningtree.fr/courses/fr433.htm] in Paris about UNIX and Linux Security, here is
24 déc. 2012 [IPv6] Why 6to4 is obsolete 6to4 is a good idea in its concept. Still, it brings its lot of problems. These are mainly due to the fact that a common
16 déc. 2012 [IPv6] How 6to4 works : from your 2002::/16 LAN to the IPv6 Internet Last article about 6to4 explained how your 6to4, ie 2002::16 network is reached from the IPv6 internet. Good news is that it was the
02 nov. 2012 6to4 IPv6 [IPv6] How 6to4 works : from IPv6 Internet to your 2002::/16 LAN 6to4 is one mechanism used for the transition of IPv4 to IPv6, precisely to route packets to an IPv6 network through an IPv4 network. Let’
25 oct. 2012 FLUSH HOLDDOWN INVALID RIP router routing protocol RIP timers and reality, #3 (HOLDDOWN again) We’re now going to test a different topology introduced at the end of article #2. We are now going to test the HOLDDOWN timer