25 mai 2012 linux admininistration chage password user Linux chage command and timers The chage command in Linux is used to change the user password expiry information. Indeed, as the administrator, you can control at what frequency users
28 févr. 2012 ip unnumbe proof of concept static route Ip Unnumbered Proof of Concept As announced in the previous post, here is the proof of concept of the IP Unnumbered command. I will use here exactly the same architecture
16 déc. 2011 classfull IP unnumbered network router routing protocol Cisco IP unnumbered inside What is IP unnumbered? In Cisco routers, the ip unnumbered <other_interface> command allows you to borrow the IP address of another interface.
03 nov. 2011 FD File Description files lsof process File Descriptor : a simple explanation What is a File Descriptor? Really, how does it work? When you don’t have a clear and global comprehension of the Linux system, it’
03 nov. 2011 disappearing esx interface mac address persistent rules ubuntu udev Copy of VM : interfaces not appearing in Ubuntu Coucou [http://french.about.com/od/vocabulary/g/coucou.htm]everyone! In VMWare ESX (3.0 to 4.1i), you sometimes want to make a